Our Floorplan

Our Floorplan
900 sq ft

About Me

My photo
Call us crazy, nuts or temporary loss of senses. That's what they said....this is about the quiet quest to simplify our life! The process of eliminating the clutter and stress and taking back our freedom. Like many small business owners….we were hit hard due to the economy. We found ourselves rethinking the direction we were heading. Should we gamble and keep the big house and "stuff" because that's what everyone does or do we reexamine what is truly important in our lives? 9 Hundred Square feet is an open-ended journey in living “Smaller, Simpler and Stress-Free” lives!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Admit It! You Are the Proud Owner Of A Junk Drawer, Closet, Garage Or Room!

Admit it! We all have one of these things….Junk drawer where all the coupon clippings get thrown in plus other odds and ends like thread, a broken stapler and an earring missing its mate. A closet crammed with clothes you can't wear or don't wear often, old cheerleading uniform (I know), a knitting project that is nowhere near completed or some strange "object de art" that was given to you by your  Mother-in law that is stored away until she visits (no, not me wink wink smiley face). The garage, a perfect place to stash stuff especially when guests are coming in to visit and you do not wish for them to see how much of a hoarder you are with all that stuff! Me…I have the ultimate…the best of them all…. A whole room dedicated to storage.

I’m cheering and screaming from the rafters… “My name is Shawn and I am STILL a holder of stuff!” Yep, that’s me. I own this title right down to the gold star. (wink wink smiley face)

I really do not wish to be honored with such a title; I really want a new one like...”My name is Shawn and I am the proud member of simplifying my life and stuff-less!” (I know there is no such word) however, that is how I would like to be remembered by.

So that is what I am doing, I am going to lay it out there and show you (via video) my second bedroom that is supposed to be an office workspace and is really a “semi” office workspace or should I say “kinda, sorta” office with a little workspace and lots of STUFF around.

My challenge is to get rid of the stuff in here and make it the room I want it to be in and enjoy. A beautiful space I utilize when working at home AND a workspace for other various projects in my life. Also, if possible a bedroom at times for future guests. So check out my video and let me know your thoughts. Do you have a challenge on your hands? Like drawers, or closets or rooms like me? If so, tell me about it and most importantly when do you plan to take that challenge on?

The story will continue.....

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